
Our Lord certainly knows our needs just as surely as He knows the number of hairs we have on our heads. But He does look for the loving concern of believers shown in ardent and continuing prayer which is the hallmark of believers. We have countless examples in his revelation to us of answered intercessory prayer. Many times we are overwhelmed by the burdens we are forced by life's circumstances to carry. We can make things easier for ourselves and others if we pray concretely in particular situations to change that God's glory be shown in our lives. And if they cannot change, that we gain the spiritual strength to accept and overcome them. We can strengthen our own faith commitment by participating in the parish Intensive Prayer Chain, with all of us united in prayer for particular needs and intentions. Departed souls can be assisted. Souls in illness and despair can be confirmed in their circumstances to triumph over the evil of sickness. Doubting souls can be brought to the Saviour. People with a spark of faith can be enriched by our prayers on their behalf. Souls in distress and temptation can be encouraged to remain faithful to the Lord in whatever befalls them. People facing problems in their families can be given the grace to overcome their difficulties. We can all offer our own sufferings, pain, anxieties for the glory of God and the good of souls commended to us for prayer. Ours is a distinct privilege to intercede for them with sincerity and seriousness. We can readily participate intimately in the lives of others that they be enriched immeasurably by the grace of our Lord.
And of course, children and adults can both be participants, The entire family can join daily in mediating the needs of those among us who desire our prayers. As individuals, or as families, we can commend each person and their need to the Lord. This can contribute to establishing a prayerful regularity to our daily lives. All that is necessary is an eager heart and soul to enter the arena of life and offer our prayerful trust and confidence firmly attached to our prayers. If we place our confidence in the Lord, He will see our sincerity and seriousness and respond generously. We can as a parish family assault heaven with our needs and intercessions. We can thus make heaven a part of our daily living. Our own lives will be enriched as well as those for whom we pray. We will have achieved the purpose of our Christian baptismal commitment in being concerned for the needs of others. And the reality of soul which we experience will only be dimly felt here and now, but completely and totally in eternity when we finally come to learn and experience how much our faithful prayer has helped, strengthened and assisted those in need. We will have helped ourselves far more than our intentions make known.
Even though we ourselves are gravely in need of prayer, we can contribute to the building up and strengthening and affirmation of the Body of Christ which is our parish on a local level. Some things we can request prayers for, but not limited to: Grace to do God's will; Grace of a happy death; Repose of the souls of our loved ones; Strength to bear physical pain in illness; Good health for self and family; a stronger, more vibrant faith; Courage and happiness in life; Patience of soul, Safe travel, Return to Church of family members; Solutions to family problems; Validation of marriages contracted outside the life of the Church; Cure of incurable diseases; responding to calamities in our lives with faith; Spiritual and temporal nurture of our children.
Any problem that besets and overwhelms and confronts a believer can be prayed for. We can corporately offer prayers for the spiritual intensive grown of our parish and that we all do the will of the Lord in our daily living. In participating intimately in this Prayer Chain, we continue the work, the mission of faith and charity of our Lord. We are continuing and living his mission on earth among us. We can all pray for anything that is honorable and good for the soul. These souls and their needs will also be remembered in the Divine Liturgies Father celebrates on Sundays and feast days as well as in his private daily prayers.
Sometime we get a telephone call at an unusual moment we do not expect one and we run through a list of fears and anxieties about what might be happening. The call that our God gives to those who believe does not come over telephone lines, but often enough it comes at a time and place when and where we least expect it. Although Samuel's mother, Hannah dedicated him to our God at an early age, he did not recognize the voice of God when he was called in the middle of the night (1 Samuel 3). But he learned to answer with these words, "Speak, Lord, your servant listens." A quiet time and place allow us to recognize and hear the voice of the Lord. Unquestionably, the Lord is urging us to raise our voices, our prayers before his throne in intercession for each other. "You will receive all you pray for, provided you have faith" Matthew 21: 22. "The fervent prayer of a holy man is powerful indeed" James 5: 16. All of our faithful parishioners have prayer needs. We should not pray alone. We should permit others to join our cause in prayer. We should be able to look at fellow believers in time of need and respond sincerely, "In me you have a faithful friend." One of the most important ways we can show our abiding love and friendship in Christ is by regularly, even daily joining in prayer for true needs that the will of the Lord be done and fulfilled in our lives.
Just as when we need specific medical attention and care, our physicians place us in "Intensive Care," so when we need spiritual care and concern, we can be placed on "Intensive Prayer" We can in our prayers commend those in need to the loving care of the Lord. We can intercede for them. We can ask the Lord's blessed grace on them that they see, understand and accept
his will, that they allow themselves to receive his strength, his grace, his love, regardless of the intensity of their own concerns.
Bring your specific or general requests to us. Father will initiate the Intensive Prayer Chain, so he is to be called or notified first. You may call him at 215-862-9227 or on the church phone, 732-780-3158 where you can also leave a request on the answering device if he is not here to answer. He can be reached by E-Mail as well, fatherbob@stpaul-freehold.com. Or you may approach him directly and personally on Sundays, feast days or any other time. He will prayerfully pray himself and entrust your needs to the Lord. Only the first name will be entered into the Prayer Request List so others may join in and participate with their blessed concerned prayers. All participants of the Intensive Prayer Chain are urged to keep a small note book if necessary near their computer to enter names as becomes necessary. Copies of the Prayers suggested be followed is available in hard copy from Father. You yourself may have intentions which should be added, names placed on the listing. It will be appealing in the sight of the Lord: "Again I tell you, if two or three of you join your voices on earth for anything whatever, it shall be granted to you by my Father in heaven. Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst" Matthew 18: 19, 20.
We are grateful for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to establish this necessary Intensive Prayer Chain. Be a vital link in its success. Prayers will be offered by Father for each participant. Let him know you utilize this gift on this site for God's glory. Then, of course, be certain to follow through because it is vitally important we do what we promise. Some requests will be specific, some general, but all are important. Our Lord will know our sincerity if we pray regularly and often for each other as we are requested and privileged to do so. Our own faith will be enriched and will immeasurably enrich the faith commitment of others. We should as a parish have a reputation for being ardent prayers before the Lord.
You need not be a parishioner to be in need of prayer, so you may request prayers for friends, relatives, neighbors as well as loved ones. What is important is that we pray together even during the week, as intensely as we do on Sundays and holy days, daily as necessity demands. Ours should be a firm purpose in spirit for others and each other as well. The effects of this purely spiritual endeavor cannot be humanly calculated because it reaches far beyond our ability to comprehend the mystery of God's salutary grace working in and among us. May our prayers radiate into the community to draw souls eager for salvation into our midst. Our meager, our sincere and serious prayers entering eternity before the throne of the Blessed Trinity cannot be limited. Join us in assisting ourselves and others. After praying with confidence and trust, you will see the result prayers joyfully come to fruition!
Everybody Needs Prayer Sometimes
We are often asked to pray for someone almost apologetically, Some say, Oh, I've just never imposed on you for intercessory prayer before, but.... Please do not consider asking for our prayer an imposition! That is precisely what we are here for. That is why we ask the prayers of our faithful parishioners from time to time, as we are made aware of a spiritual prayer need. "You will receive all that you pray for, provided you have faith" Matthew 21: 22. Trust God. let him be God and you be the intercessor for peoples' needs. We welcome requests for prayers and remembrances in the Divine Liturgy as well because "the prayer of the upright is his delight" Proverbs 16: 8, and "the fervent prayer of a holy man is powerful indeed" James 5: 16. Do not pray alone; permit us to join you. We are ready, willing and able!
Let us raise our hearts and our souls
in prayer
to our God.
Let us be so united in our spirit of praise and petition that our God will not ignore us,
but be impelled to enrich and comfort
us as He blesses us with
Answered Prayer!
+ Through the prayers of our holy fathers, 0 Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us! Amen.
+Glory to You, 0 God, glory be to You!
Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, You are everywhere present and fill all things. Treasury of blessings and Giver of life, come and dwell within us, and cleanse us of all sin, and save our souls, 0 gracious Lord.
+Holy God, Holy and Mighty One, Holy and Immortal One, have mercy on us. (Three times)
+Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.
+0 Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us and cleanse us of our sins; +0 Master, forgive our transgressions;
+0 Holy One, come to us and heal our infirmities for Your Name's sake. Lord have mercy! (Three times)
+Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
+For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.
Hear our prayer, 0 Lord our God, and listen to the words of lips and our hearts. Attend to our supplications and receive our petitions. Incline Your ear and be merciful to the intercessions of Your unworthy servants which are offered as a spiritual sacrifice in behalf of all and for all.
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, first of all Your Holy Church. Strengthen and increase its faith commitment. Keep it in peace and preserve it in fullness, safe from all destructive divisions and false teachings.
Remember especially our parish faith community of St. Paul the Apostle. We pray for its growth and ask the You to bring to us souls who are eager for salvation. Christ, our God, bless our search for fullness of faith commitment. Lead us together to the place You have chosen for us. Help us to be patient and realize Your will be unfolded in Your time.
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, and have mercy on our Holy Father, the Ecumenical Patriarch (name), Archbishop of Constantinople and his sacred Synod, our Metropolitan (name), our pastor and shepherd, Father (name) and those who concelebrate with him, our parish Deacon, (name), who serve your will among us; all Orthodox bishops, priests, and deacons, monks and nuns; those who study and prepare for the priesthood, our Cantors, (names) who lead us in singing Your praises and all whom You in Your loving kindness have called to serve in your holy Church.
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, and have mercy on all the communicants of our parish faith community, the singers, the teachers, the students and all our brothers and sisters in Christ. Remember especially
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, and have mercy on the elderly. Grant them strength to bear what You place before them for their salvation. Remember especially
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, and have mercy on the young, particularly the students in our schools and seminaries. Keep them from every evil and harm. Remember especially
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, and have mercy on working people. Grant them honest and fruitful labor for the good of their families. May they labor not only for personal gain, but for the benefit of others and especially for Your glory and honor. May they never forget the dignity that is given them to support sacrificially the vehicle of our salvation, which is Your blessed Church. Remember especially
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, and have mercy on the sick and the suffering. May their afflictions in the flesh be for the salvation of their souls, as a purification of their sins, in witness to Christ, for the redemption of the world. Ease their burden and return them to good health if it is Your will. Remember especially
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, the expectant and recently delivered mothers that their children are reared in Your grace. Keep in their consciousness that the children they are blessed with are given to them as an extraordinary blessing, to unite them closer to You, not to be used as an excuse for keeping away from You. Remember especially
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, and have mercy on those in need of saving mercy and spiritual strength and guidance as well as direction. Remember especially
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, and have mercy on those who have fallen asleep and gone to their reward in the hope of eternal Resurrection, particularly our spiritual leaders and loved ones. Remember especially....
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, and have mercy on our nation, its leaders, all civil authorities, all who serve it and all its citizenry. May Your will be shown through them all for the good of all. Remember especially our President Governor etc.
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, and have mercy on all who hate us and oppose us. Let them not perish through us or our bad example. Grant us grace and spiritual power to love them with all our hearts and to do them good as You commanded. Remember especially
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, and have mercy on the following souls for whom we are privileged to intercede before Your throne
REMEMBER, 0 Lord, and have mercy on all whom we have not remembered because of multitude of names, for You know each person, their needs, their calling, their weaknesses and temptations, and have mercy on the whole world and on all Your people.
May Your Name be glorified, 0 Lord with all glory, honor and adoration, +Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.
Please be certain to inform Father when you become aware of prayers being answered so we can offer thanks to God for having mercy on us and hearing our prayer.
Always remember prayer is not a last resort, but a first necessity. Prayer can be simple. It is like quietly opening the door to eternity and slipping into the very presence of our God; there in the stillness to listen to His voice, perhaps to express thanks from a grateful heart or to petition or only to listen. Just being there in His presence is the beginning of prayer.
There is more than one format to prayer. Please feel free to add prayers as your soul desires. You can utilize your own words in your own way.